Friday, October 17, 2014

Fifth Week: Data and Observation (revised)

Dear readers,

Since we are seeing vigorous root growth, we measured the number of roots as well as the length of longest roots in mm.

When you measure number of roots, please follow the instructions in the picture (drawn by professor Michaels) below.

You should be very careful not to damage the roots when you count them since they are more fragile than you think.

From the plots, we can see some kind of correlationship between the number of roots and the length of the longest roots, except for Philosopher's Mix B. 
However, we can combine all four bins from Philosopher's Mix, since they are all from the same seed lot. Also, the seeds are all selected independently and randomly.

Here, I got a better result.

1 comment:

  1. Perhaps you can combine the data from the four bins of Philosophers so that you have more data points in your regression analyis (and do the same for the four bins of Mortons and four bins of Freedom). I suppose you kept the data from each bin separate because each bin is a separate environment. The rationale for combining the four bins of Philosopher's (for instance) is that they are a common seed lot and that there wasn't much variation in environment from bin to bin.
