Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Some Changes in the Design

Dear readers,

There have been some few changes in the project design due to some problems.

Professor Michaels has notices that the one of the plants at the corner of a bin had leaves that looked slightly wilted. He immediately checked the root growth assuming that this was a plant that had not yet put down roots into the nutrient solution, but this was not the case. The roots were okay then, he realized how warm the rim of the bin lid was.
He came to conclude that when bright sunlight is streaming into the greenhouse, the dark blue plastic of the bin lids is soaking up heat, and that heat is held particularly well at the corners and edges of the bin lids where there are several layers of plastic and where the plastic might be particularly thick. Plants near the corners may be subjected to warmer temperatures than plants nearer to the middle of the lids, and this might be why he was seeing some wilting.

He solved this problem by covering the lids with aluminum foil so that the sun could not heat up the blue plastic. He also added about 1 cup of water per bin because there were some plants without roots in the solution that were beginning to wilt.

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