Thursday, February 5, 2015

First Week: Brief introduction and seeding the second generation

Dear readers,

I must inform all of you some good and bad news. The good new is that we successfully got some of the seeds from the previous lettuce salad table project. The bad new is that we could not get the seeds from some of the most successful plants and from some of my favorite plants. However, we must proceed with the seeds which we got currently since not everything will happen as it is planed out, especially with the living plants.
Professor Tom Michaels and I will continue our hydroponics salad table project with the second generation seeds, to verify the validity of our seeds selection, for productivity. And this time, I will plant 30 different varieties from three previous populations (Philosopher, Freedom, and Morton) and 2 varieties for checks (dear tongue and outrageous, which have been proved to be successful.)
The procedure is almost same as the previous one. So, I will just briefly summarize and mention some of the changes that I have made. However, if any of you are curious and want to follow what I did, you can reference the following blog entry (
This time, instead of using the tags of the same color for all the population, I color-coded as the following:
-pink for Philosopher's (PH)
-blue for Freedom's (FR)
-yellow for Morton's (MOR)
-white for checks
And here is the tip for placing a seed into a net pot. Instead of using forceps, I used a back tip of a ball point pen to make three holes on the perlite inside the net pots. Then, I simply dropped each seed into a hole. Yes, this is easier than holding onto those forceps!
Also, more firm plastic caps were used this time to cover the net pots in the greenhouse, instead of the plastic sheets.

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