Thursday, February 26, 2015

Fourth & Fifth Week: More thinning & some observation

Dear readers,

Until these lettuce plants grow more, there is nothing I can do much. However, I did two things for fourth and fifth week. For the fourth week, I did additional thinning since there has been more sprouts after the first thinning. I replanted ones which I was going to throw away and brought back to my apartment for fun!
On the fifth week, I noticed that there were some pots which have concerning amount of algae growth in scale of 0 to 2. (0= almost to none, 1=moderate, 2=severe) So, I just took a quick note of it, since it might affect later. Also, I took some notes on root growth (whether root was coming out of the net pot or not) in scale of 0 to 1.

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